Our Story

Mahavir Arogya Sansthan is a charitable, philanthropic, state-of-the-art organization, sponsored and controlled by Mahavir Temple Trust, Patna. The foundation stone of the Sansthan was laid by the Respected Shankaracharya of Dwarika Peeth Swami Swarupanand Jee on 7th of November, 1988. It started functioning from 1st of January, 1989 in a rented building at Kidwaipuri, Patna. Subsequently, it was shifted to Kankarbagh – the largest colony of Patna with a population of poor and middle-class families. Initially, the Sansthan started functioning as an OPD Hospital till December 2005. On pressing demand and increasing number of patients, the Temple Trust purchased the land and building ( old nursing home of Late Dr. S.N. Upadhyay) and took on lease the adjacent building (old Hotel Jayasarmin ) to start all super-specialty services and its own 60 bedded indoor hospital.

Our Vision

A vision of Acharya Kishore Kunal Ji, the first venture of Health services of Mahavir Temple Trust, Mahavir Arogya Sansthan was established with the objective of providing the best possible medicare with ultramodern techniques in all the specialties and super specialties to the poor and the middle-class families at an affordable cost. With the increasing cost of medicines, investigation charges and super specialty services it was becoming extremely unaffordable for everyone to avail these facilities. The main aim of the Sansthan was to help everyone to get the ultramodern treatment from they were debarred due to economic status.

National Programme

  • Under the National program, medicines are provided to tuberculosis patients (DOTS program) and Leprosy patients (MDT) as per the Govt. of India guideline.
  • Facilities for vaccination against all vaccine-preventable diseases is available in the Sansthan. Free Immunization is done for Polio and measles. DPT and BCG
  • The Sansthan also takes part voluntarily in Vitamin A campaigns, AIDS control, Iron distribution for pregnant women, Breastfeeding programs.

  • The Sansthan regularly holds free community welfare and Blind relief camps.


The Sansthan is empaneled
  • C.G.H.S. (Central Govt. Health Scheme)
  • ESIC (Employees State Insurance Corporation)
  • BEPC (Bihar Education Project Council)
  • PM-JAY (Aayushman Bharat Yojna)
  • CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education)
  • CIPET (Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology)
  • IWAI (Inland Waterways Authority of India)
  • ISO 9001-2008 certified Organization

Heart and Hand for the Handicapped

Heart and Hand for the Handicapped (HHH) is a not-for-profit organization that raises funds to support differently able children with physical and mental challenges such as polio, cerebral palsy, autism, Down’s syndrome and blindness and other vision problems in India and the US. HHH was founded in 1971 by five South Asian ladies who wanted to make a difference in the lives of differently able children in India. The organization is run by volunteers who lend their expertise in different areas.

Correction of disabilities of less-able children, immunization and other welfare-related activities for them like free tri-cycle distribution is done by the Mahavir Arogya Sansthan in association with Heart and Hand for the Handicapped. Heart and Hand for the Handicapped (HHH) annually assists the Sansthan financially for this wonderful cause.

Further information about the wonderful humanitarian work done by them can be found on their website: http://www.hhhonline.org/

Governing Body Members


1. Sri Jiya Lal Arya, IAS (Rtd.)

2. Smt Mahasweta Maharathi

3. Dr. D. K. Srivastava

4. Prof. Asha Singh

5. Sri Umesh Chandra Dwevedi

6. Sri Bipin Kumar Sinha

7. Dr. Rani Indira Singh

8. Sri. Arun Kumar

9. Sri Shashi Bhushan Verma

10. Cdr. Dr. (Prof.) Vimal Vibhakar

From DiRECTOR's desk

Cdr. (Dr.) Vimal Vibhakar

Mahavir Arogya Sansthan is a charitable, philanthropic, state-of-the-art organisation which was founded by Acharya Kishore Kunal, IPS(Retd.). He is the Secretary of Mahavir Sansthan Nyass Samittee and a great visionary to serve the middle, poor and weaker strata of society. With the rising cost of medical and surgical treatment and medicines, a particular section of people couldn’t get the super-speciality treatment for its exorbitant price. Mahavir Arogya Sansthan besides treating the routine case under the care of specialist is providing super-speciality treatment in almost all discipline of medical service at an affordable price. All the facilities of investigation, like Pathology, X-ray, CT Scan, Ultrasonography, etc., exist under one roof, and the patient is saved from running from pillar to post. 

The motto of the Sansthan is to treat all patients irrespective of their caste, creed, religion and financial status. Money or no money, you are taken care of, diagnosed and treated at the Sansthan. We promise never to let your financial contraints handicap your health and wellbeing. Our courteous staff and doctors treat each patient with warmth. The Sansthan is a unique experiment which shows how religion can be successfully amalgamated with a social cause and community wellbeing. 

If every religious paradigm follows the footsteps of Acharya Kishore Kunal, then we would achieve the India of our dreams. I wish to finish on a happy and optimistic note and pray that Lord Hanuman blesses all our patients, staff, doctors and well-wishers. 

Your humble Director, who is always at your service
Cdr. (Dr.) Vimal Vibhakar