Tender No: MAS/Med.Tender/22-23/01 Dated: 08/11/22
Sealed tenders are invited from eligible and qualified manufactures for the supply of under mentioned categories of medicines separately through Registered post/Courier or drop it to the tender box kept in infront of the Pharmacy Store mentioning therein the terms & condition, within 10 days, from the date of issue of this advertisement, to the Director, Mahavir Arogya Sansthan, Kankarbagh, Patna-800020.
The bidders must mention tender number on the left side of the envelope. Mahavir Arogya Sansthan reserves the right to reject any or all tender at any stage without assigning any reason thereof.
The following categories of medicines will be required:-
- All General Medicine.
- Medicine related to ENT, Dental, Eye, Skin, Neurology, Dialysis, Contrast Medicine, Cardiology e.t.c.
- Anesthesia & Critical care Medicines.
- Suture & Surgical items.