Justice Sadanand Mukherjee

Justice Sadanand Mukherjee

It is gratifying to note that Mahavir Arogya Sansthan has launched its website. This will go a long in further establishing contact with the people at large and lending credibility to the contribution of the Sansthan towards Health care aspects of this Charitable organization Below is a text of a few lines illustrating my impression which is simply illustrative. Mavir Arogya Sansthan, a Charitable and Philanthropic Organization under Mahavir Temple Trust Patna, has been rendering yeoman's service to the poor and the middle class, Under the stewardship of Acharya Kishore Kunalji, Affordable Health Services are being provided in various fields of Medicine and General Surgery. Provisions have also been made for multiple tests and facilities associated with medical care to poor patients. Specialities with specialists in various areas of health care have been operative for Consultation and advice apart from Treatment.  Free camps are regularly organized by the Sansthan, which have been of great help for poor families. Doctors are serving the people With all sincerity and devotion. Staff,too,are cooperative. Mahavir Arogya Sansthan looks forward to a new horizon of Health care with the vision of Acharya Kishore Kunalji.

Justice Sadanand Mukherjee
Former Judge,
Patna High court.

Mahavir Arogya Sansthan

Justice Sadanand Mukherjee
Former Judge,
Patna High court.

Free camps are regularly organized by the Sansthan, which have been of great help for poor families. Doctors are serving the people With all sincerity and devotion. Staff,too,are cooperative.